Monday, May 7, 2012

How To Compliment Women :)

I Support Compliments 

Hi guys! So many of my readers are men with great intentions, and I’m here to help you translate those intentions into actions that women will interpret positively.
What’s the quickest way to a man’s heart?
Through his stomach, it’s been said.
How about women?
What’s the quickest way into a woman’s heart?
But not just any compliment.
I mass texted my female friends and asked them what was the most memorable or sweetest compliment they have ever received from a guy, and many of them didn’t give specifics.
What came across over and over were these factors:
1. The compliment must be sincere, genuine, and honest.
All this means is that whatever comes out of your mouth, you must truly believe about her. Many women have what I call self preserving intuition. It’s this sixth sense, a protective sense. When someone isn’t truly being themselves, they know it. When a man is saying a compliment but doesn’t truly believe it, but is instead using it to get something out of you, she can tell. Which leads me to point number 2…
2. The compliment must be given without thought of what you can get in return.
Women are smart. We can tell if something is pure flattery just so you can get us in the sack, or if you truly are giving out compliments without expecting anything in return, just to make us smile, just because you believe something and want us to know it.
While you’re reading this, maybe you’re thinking, Well duh I want to get into Yes, for the propagation of the species, (so I tell myself:).
But having this mindset will make it more difficult for you to compliment women properly.
The best way to get out of this mindset of compliments in order to something in return is to just start complimenting all kinds of women on a daily basis, the ones you don’t want to sleep with. You will feel better for making someone’s day, your tongue won’t get tied, and you won’t feel a massive panic attack coming on because you want anything from her. Plus you will get practice, and you will gain confidence.
Subconsciously it will go through your mind, hmmm, this is nice, I can make women smile. I can make women happy. I can succeed at this. And then when you do go on that date with the hot chick from, you’ll be so used to naturally paying attention to women and finding things to compliment them on, that it will just be second nature, and you truly will be doing it for the sheer joy of making her smile.
3. The more specific and detailed the compliment, the better.
“Your eyes have this great mischievous sparkle to them,”
is a lot more specific and detailed than the humdrum typical compliment, “You’re so pretty.”
By the way, that was actually one of the responses I got from a female friend! (most memorable and/or sweetest compliment she’s gotten from a guy)
4. Why more specific and detailed? You get points for…
  • Paying attention.
It shows you’re looking at her keenly and making poignant observations. Gosh, it shows that you’re observing at all!
Women like when you pay them attention.
Don’t ever forget that. If you’re complimenting her on her wit and intellect,
“I like how you responded to that guy. When you were like, ‘…That was not a valid point because it was taken out of context….,’ I was like ‘Wow! That’s my woman!”
again, it shows you’re listening, that you’re proud of her, and that you value the way she looks at things.
  • Being original.
Being original makes you look good because it doesn’t look like you say the same thing to every other girl. It gives us reassurance that when you are with us, you think we are special. Different.
Every girl wants to think you think she’s different.
Don’t ever forget that either:)
5. Bonus points if you notice something about her that is unique to her alone.
Another response I got from a female friend was this:
“I love that you love the imperfections.”
I don’t know when she got this compliment, but I’m imagining her with a guy observing some art at a museum. This is a deep compliment, something that took real observation and attention to detail. It is a man bringing to the surface what is true and unique about her. Kudos to him!
6. Women can never get enough compliments about their appearance.
If number 5 makes you feel hopeless, don’t be. Once you spend enough time with a woman, once you stop paying attention to your own insecurities in the situation and place all your attention on her, you will naturally notice things about her that you love.
 fear of rejection, fear of saying the wrong thing, fear of coming across a certain way, fear of being judged, must be conquered with focuses on how a situation will affect self, focuses on making the other feel good,looks internally, looks externally, to the other person.
Once you realize this, once the shift moves from to , from self focus to other person focus, complimenting women will be a breeze!
You’ll go from self focused thoughts like, to other person focused thoughts, You’ll shift from trying to judge her observations of you to just her. And when that shift happens, all you have to do is verbalize your thoughts!
One of my female friends says she loves getting complimented on her smile. There’s a tip for ya. She also said, “Definitely be honest with the compliment. You can’t compliment her butt if it doesn’t look good! LOl!”
7. Women want to know how they make you feel.
Have you noticed women love talking about their feelings? Men are typically not as in tune with their feelings, so when something random comes out about your feelings because you’re around a woman, a woman’s ears will perk up!
Anything that begins with,
“I feel like ______ when I’m around you” (that’s in the positive light)
Or “You’re really easy to talk to” (real response from my female friend)
makes a woman feel like she has something inside that draws you to her.
Some of the best compliments you can give to a woman has to do with her effect on you. Like in the clip above,
“You make me want to be a better man.”
It shows how her presence in your life effects you positively.
8. Body language and eye contact are essential.
Part of invoking the sense that your compliment is true and honest is in your body language. Are you facing her? Are you looking her in the eye? These are important. It shows you are confident about what you’re saying and that you don’t give a damn how she responds. You are not going to cower in fear that she won’t take the compliment positively. You give it with good intentions and you have nothing to be ashamed about.

There it is guys! Good luck on complimenting women! How about making it a goal to give  your lady love at least 1 compliment every day?!

Beauty :)

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