Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Value the Presents

It's sweet when a guy realizes he hurt your feelings,
So he does everything he possibly can to cheer you back up. 
It’s very rare for a guy to realize their wrongdoings.
A guy is often full of pride, and he doesn’t want anyone to step down on his ego. 
But the truth is, it only takes a girl for a guy to become very sincere. 
A girl is a guy’s weakness. That’s true. 
When a guy puts effort on a girl, not just efforts on material things, he must really be in love.
Because not all guys have the ability to tolerate a girl’s attitude. 
So when he does everything for you to forgive him, and he doesn’t waste a minute on you being mad at him, he’s worth it.Never let him go.

If you let that person to go from your life , den believe me you are going to loose a precious gift of god.... and you'll regret yourself for letting him to go, so value the presents and care for them before its too late.....

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