Sunday, January 24, 2010

Love Story : A Victory ?

One upon a time, lived a brave general. Everyone so scare with him, even his enemies. One day, after his army beat a kingdom, his men wrote on every wall of the gate as that general told them to do so, "only three words, men ! , Love, Victory, Eternity". Who did not know his bravery ? Who would dare to challenge his great army ? No one !. His army like a black shadow over his enemies.The year passing by, and there was only one kingdom left to be conquered. This time, he ordered his men to write on every wall of the gate, " a victory ? A lot of books and wisdom are useless without a love from my love . Hands consist of two hands. One hand is not enough, it needs two hands to be one hand ".

ps : we must realize far beyond our expectation, there is love who is await for us. (the story above is just a tale to encourage).

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