Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Was I Truly Your Lover ?

Sea waves rolling to the shore, while my ears still heard my name called so softly again. Today, the sky is so blue, as if you are here with me. . . .

Darling, your smile like sweet candy in my everlasting love,
Whenever your feet were wetted by the sea wave,
With a white shirt and short pants,
Your finger pointed out at the sky and full of smiles,
I wish that last forever in my hopes,
Over the ocean of dream, and from coast to coast,
Darling, tell me how to touch the shimmering star at dawn,
Where I am waiting under the sun,
I've try to call your name, but only echoes that happen,
Tell me, my love,
And let me know , my dear,
Was I truly your lover ? ,
Just as you said before.

I leave the shore, with one question in me. Was, and is the sky still be my friend ? .

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