When man with so much talking, do as man do by himself, is interrupt.
(John Gray)
Love is star of life. Life that never been touched by love just like a night without stars.
(Victor Hugo)
When it is touched, heart can't be dry out.
(Louis Bourdaloue)
Love that worthy to be called as love is unconditional love.
(John Powell)
When a woman ask so much questions, it is woman's secret sign, so man stop talking and ask her.
(John Gray)
What can you do for world's peace ? Go home and love your family.
(Mother Theresa)
Darkness can't cast darkness out, only light can. Hate can't cast hate out, only love can.
(Martin Luther King, Jr)
To love is to put our happiness in our mate's happiness.
(Gottfriend Wilhelm Van Lubreitz)
Each of us is an angel with one wing, and only can fly if hug each other.
(Luciano De Crescenzo)
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