Sunday, March 2, 2008

Love is you

an epic story about love ^_^
written with poetry's intuition

In morning time, where everyone still in their complicated dreams, i try to wake up and save myself from a nightmare.

Where is love ? Is love still be your friend ? Is love still your last breath ? Don't replace her and be a widow she is. Night has gone, and morning awake. The sun so happy, birds are singing, and ants never give up.

Love began with one word, Grace , and it's always do. Walking few steps, still try to find out meaning of love itself. Love is full of mystery.

Let's try to ask others about love in our life. If you ask your father, he will say, "my beloved one, you were born with love from two of us". But if you ask the priest, he'll answer with no doubt, "my child, you exist because God's love". And if you ask me, i will answer, "my friend, you read my love poems because there were love in you, that love inside you, and love is you". ^_^

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