Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Oh Nature!

" I'm the creature created by you,
How  you have created the other.

But i want to know from you that-
If you created the other creature,
Why did you make us superior then them?
You've done a mistake  by doing that!
So the human is effecting  you,
And all your other creation are coming to a extinct.

I'm sure about that,
After a while your other creations will also b in danger.
 I'm sorry to say that you have created the wrong one!"
                                           - PINKY PRZ 


At present we live in a world where human beings don't respect the life of other people how can we expect from Dem tat they'll respect the lives of nature!


Hey my friend nature!

 I wanna share you something that is......

 Whenever i sit under the roof of sky,
I feel like I'm  sitting in my mother's lap.

Whenever  birds croon,
I feel like my mother is singing a song to make me sleep.

Whenever i see blooming of flower,
 I feel like life is taking a new turn.

When day ends wid a night,
I feel like my life is coming to an end!

I always try to stop the time,
but the time says me-
I'm ending today as  night 
but promise you to bring a beautiful morning tomorrow.
                                                                - PINKY PRZ